Yo dave, yea in Fl da queer a nadact peoples have torn down most, well hell 90% of em hea, of da coal fired plants. Snot 2 replacen dem wit butt wit natural gas me plants frum Chiner wit LP gas frum Assexco. Day have, Maxme Co, moe reserves dan da hole N America taught about haven includez America and Canader, asses. Da bigger prumblem axx ist in da infuck struster snot beeen up grated cents da Ragunz admuestration. Powea lines, transfumers, powea plants, coal and nukes, ect, ect. Ass holes just frum NY and Cali, have friends frum both, plug all dare cars in at 6 pm pooof goes ever tang. Den rest on da utt 2 waer states ass2 pick upster da slack. F_ _ _ you and youz stupid class ass suctions laws. Like out lawen gas and fire furnishes. No moe gas fired dea pizzas grills, in NY, no moe street benders ice cream persuns cause of LP gas fer refrigerations. No moe gas grills, stoves, and whore headers. How ubot da ass holes goin 2 da luzen mets game whnore da stupid Tancum games wit no tales me game umz grill umz. Whooz goen 2 call? Cuz in Whore Landers 2 grill out, wit meat at da stowhore at 7% tales me tax instade of 25% stay in da home at 5% purrty tax enstad of 25%. A few urdz. Spand all youz munies down hea, and get da hell out. No moe ruum fer ya crack talkin non tooten gunz, smart ass talkin woops. Surry fer da suthern talkin, lost da whore, Ize still beez toe tin gunz, yank meez, parsun I am.