Any updates on how the new bullet is running?
Sorry, been crazy busy, daughter and granddaughters in for the last week, taking them to the airport today to go back home

All has been good. The ticking heard on start up ended up being a exhaust leak on a header flange, I filled it with high temp putty and no more ticking, thank God as it had me worried I had a lifter issue. JBA sending me a replacement header free of charge, A++++ company. I pulled all the plugs and did a leak down test on every cylinder, all where right about 2% cold and dry, 100 in 98 out. I dumped the second fill of break in oil after seeing these leak down numbers at about 350 miles and on PUP 0w40 now. I’m still basically on my start up tune except for adjusted fueling, 10% across the board taken out on the injectors due to running -10% LTFT probably from the fuel line and rail delivery mods. This tune is only running 11.5 degrees max timing on straight 93 octane fuel. I had mixed in some 100 octane fuel with the 93 to keep things safe but logs are showing it’s not needed and running happy on straight 93 and at $9.89 a gallon for the 100 $4.25 a gallon 93 is costly enough averaging about 9 mpg as I’m not behind the wheel driving like grandma when I’m driving her lol. I’m at about 600 miles total since start up, did a few street 1/4 pulls which all where 11.9-12.1 at 126-127 mph, very consistent at this power level as wheel spin down low is MUCH tamer and easier to control then full kill corn tune is. I have to figure a way to detune her by mph like the auto guys can by gear. All in all VERY happy so far. Shifts butter smooth, I think the super rigid steel bell housing keeps alignment spot on as it just clicks through the gears now no crunchy hard shifts like before. The McLeod RXT1200HD is performing well, no issues with pedal feel, starts to grab about 1” from the floor, is a bit harder to start out with without shudder but if done correctly with proper throttle inputs can be done smoothly. I can’t wait to get back on corn and work on my goal of getting 10.9xx or better street 1/4’s accomplished!!
O, BTW, I’ve got some drain plugs made up, I’ll be contacting guys in near future by order of the posts and DM’s for this first batch.